MrBeast creates videos to entertain and portrays himself as an altruistic person.
One aspect of that is donating some money from videos to charity.
On the other hand, he is criticized for promoting unhealthy food to children and using gambling-like tactics to increase sales and manipulate his audience.
This question will be resolved based on the results of a poll conducted on Manifold at the resolution date.
Recent video exploring this topic:
Update 2025-01-01 (PST) (AI summary of creator comment): Resolution Criteria:
The poll will close in one week.
Wish I had seen this one a few months ago. Would have bet hard NO.
two points: first, from the whole Neal Postmanesque “Amusing Ourselves to Death,” he’s definitely making the world dumber.
Second, none of his “philanthropy” works at scale. None of it affects actual societal change, it just amounts to a few bandaids, the end result creating a culture of young people who think the only way to get ahead is to get lucky. Possibly true, but if so that is a very serious net loss for humanity.
@Eric_WVGG I don't know much about Mr Beast, just what I read on Dominic Cumming's blog and the time Jimmy went on The Yard podcast. But, from what I've read, he's very open about how his success comes from insanely hard graft, a degree of dedication which beggars belief, and forming partnerships with other similarly dedicated people who'll be willing to put a dozen hours per day into figuring out what's working this month and what will work next month.
As such, I'm not sure "creating a culture of young people who think the only way to get ahead is to get lucky" applies?
Maybe his actual videos give a different impression.
@traders The poll has been created and closes in one week:
Another point is that Mr Beast shows a brutalized form of capitalism in which people can be pushed into any form of undignified work if they are lured with money. This can be a negative role model because money appears to be quick way to power over people and a replacement for other values and social connections.
It's possible that under standard eg EA values his counterfactual impact is positive (people watch MrBeast gameshows instead of watching other youtube videos and playing mobile games, so they aren't hurt that much, and he donates more and more effectively than other creators) but there's a sense in which what he's doing is "unvirtuous" anyway, and that talented people shouldn't be doing stuff like this! I think that counts as 'net positive' though