I'm currently in my fifth semester at university studying economics. The Exams for this semester will take place in February and March.
My classes this semester are:
Algorithmic Mathematics
Stochastic Processes
Game Theory
Computer-Aided Statistical Analysis
The algorithmic Maths course is a course for the mathematics students, so it's more difficult than most Economics courses. The Stochastic Processes course is probably one of the or the most difficult course in the econ bachelors. The other two are fairly doable.
In a previous Market I allowed myself to switch subjects e.g., if I found Stochastic Processes too hard, I could do something else instead. I just had to pass a certain number of exams. For this market to resolve Yes, I have to pass exactly those four subjects.
I will not buy No shares nor sell any of my YES shares.
Personal Information
I am 20.
In my German equivalent to highschool i was in the top 33% for my final grade.
I mostly found school easy and was very lazy throughout.
I like economics a lot and am very motivated to pass all my exams.
I have Dyslexia and ADHD, taking 70mg Vyvanse at the moment.
My parents both have master's degrees though not in quantitative subjects, my older brother dropped out of his CS studies.
Feel free to ask me any questions.
@ZlatkoJovicic Nothing really, I just have some plans to set up a bot to make automatic trades for me, but haven't gotten around to doing that yet.