These options resolve YES if Donald Trump says the exact sequence of words during his 2025 inauguration address/speech.
You can add your own options, but note: (1) I will be strict with resolutions & (2) I reserve the right to edit all entries to better match the spirit of the market.
Resolution may take a few days as I'd like to reference the transcript.
This market will close before the inauguration to return liquidity to submitters.
For reference, here is the transcript for Trump’s 2016 inauguration address.
Resolution rules:
Needs to be exact same words (in order): "laughing at all of us" does not count for "laughing at us".
Needs to match tense & pluralization: "winner", "won", or "winnings" do not count for "winning", and "Project 2025's ideas" doesn't count for "Project 2025".
However, any punctuation is fine ("Billions! And billions..." counts for "billions and billions"), and contractions also count as the expanded words ("what's" is equivalent to "what is").
An abbreviation is its own word: "MAGA" does not match "Make America Great Again", "LGBT" does not match "LGBTQ".
Different ways of transcribing the same word count: "January 6th" matches "January sixth".
To add flexibility to an answer, use parentheses or an "or". So " 'Free lunch(es)' or 'school lunch(es)' " matches "free lunches", "school lunch", & etc.
Some dogwhistle like “secure,” “future,” and “children” in the same sentence
See market for anything Trump says in Year 1 here: