As a user I would love to be able to tell at a glance wether the author holds a piece of their market or not before betting.
Currently I have to look at the positions tab and search for the author's name which is annoying and error prone. In some cases the author's position might be hidden away in the limit orders or in some cases the author may have sold their position.
I'm not saying that betting on your own market is intrinsically bad, but at least for myself it's something I think is important to know before deciding wether to partecipate.
This will resolve YES if markets where the creator is partecipating (or is not partecipating) are marked with a special icon or a special colour or other distinguishing feature.
Alternatively, if it's possible to create a type of market where the creator CANNOT trade, that also would be acceptable, as long as a user can tell by some distinguishing feature wether a market belongs to this category.
Thank you!
@Odoacre This seems to be a misunderstanding, it does not indicate if the creator traded, just if YOU traded, on any question, regardless of who created it.