Will an AI which achieves IMO gold medal before 2026 use MCTS during test-time?
This market resolves to YES if an artificial intelligence system achieves a gold medal score (≥29 points) under time-constraints in the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) before 2026 uses Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) during test-time, as confirmed by the system's creators in their technical documentation or peer-reviewed publication.
Resolution will be based on official papers, blog posts, or technical documentation from the AI system's developers. If it's not clear whether the AI uses MCTS or not, I will resolve it to the best of my judgement. Criteria for determining whether AI got gold medal are same as this market. If AI does not get gold medal, this market will be resolved as N/A.
I will not bet on this market.
This question is managed and resolved by Manifold.
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