@EvanDaniel This creator never took any action on this site other than making this market. The only user with a sizeable YES position is inactive. Resolve NO?
@oh Not having a "by when" isn't great, but doesn't have to be a showstopper. Could just be "before he dies or someone else becomes the first", for example. The original date was one week, which I'm guessing was a default setting and not intended to be a "by when" date. I'm inclined to just reopen it with an indefinite close date.
I think the other obvious choice would be resolve N/A. I don't really see a justification for "No" here.
@traders Opinions?
Made a, hopefully, improved version of this market: https://manifold.markets/a2bb/will-donald-trump-be-the-first-us-p-9486f3084ed9
this question closes in 6 hours. there was no time period specified other than the close date. does anyone want to make a case that it should be extended to a certain point? or are we happy with resolving as is, since it seems the creator has left this question orphaned?
@Stralor I've exited my position so I can arbitrate here and resolve/ extend as necessary. However, I don't feel comfortable taking complete control over the criteria of another user's question and maintaining it indefinitely. So, I also offer: I am willing to remake this with my own more rigorous criteria if people are interested.
this is such a brilliant premise for a question. well done
do you have any criteria of what would and wouldn't qualify?