Must be a story they published. No letters ads editorials etc. a real story. Even if retracted.
Must discuss alleged or real info pointing to this. It can't just mention kaydabe it has to be at least a discussion of the evidence. So, secret evidence doesn't count. We need something like documents, tapes. Statements from people involved, videos, etc
Staging means contact with the perpetrator or others beforehand, such that some aspects were not real, and that this was premeditated by at least on person who approved of it fro pro-ttump purposes (pro Trump real world future power, not just the past). Things such as fake blood, prepared photo ops
If the entire thing was an act, clear YES
If the perp thought it was real but others inside knew the bullets were blanks that's YES
Even without Trump's prior knowledge it can yes if his staff knew
Merely knowing of threats but not fully cancelling all events is not sufficient
Will refine further the point is if the possibility is raised seriously based on evidence.